Why Central Park
Why Central Park
Occupancy in real time
Will you or will you not find an available parking space? The question is not relavent anymore. Our app will update you in real time, on the current status of parking space across all of our parking lots
It's not just parking. It's a pleasure.
Some are experts in medicine. Our expertise is in Parking, so we meticulously positioned our parking lots in central locations in major cities across Isreal. We want you to have the most pleasant welcome to a fully equipped and Illuminated parking lot
Plug-in to our electric charging stations
130 Charging spots are waiting for your EV'S across all our parking lots and many many more to come
Own a parking lot? we got you covered too
As Parking experts, we have the capabilities, passion and cutting edge technology to lift you parking lot to a higher level. From profit managing, customers relations and improving your buttom line - we got you covered
Our subscribers also enjoy discounts
Our subscribers also enjoy discounts
Our promise
The highest customer service possible
Central Park promots the parking lot experience in Israel with high-end managment and technology for 25 years. Why? There's something about the planning, construction and operation of a parking lot that makes our day, just as it makes our customers' day/night to find a clean, well-lit parking lot close to their destination